A brand is much more than just a logo, a website, or a business card; it’s about creating a memorable experience that resonates with your audience deeply.

Logo vs Branding: What is the difference?

As a leading creative marketing brand, we are all about helping elevate and support our clients through their branding. However, before we can embark on this journey it is crucial that we are able to identify key differences. One of which is a logo vs branding.

A key error, which most companies make, is assuming that these two terms are synonymous. While they do have their similarities, they are marked by several key differences.

So, if you find yourself using the words “logo” and “branding” interchangeably, sit tight, bookmark this blog and let’s improve your knowledge!

A common logo vs branding error

These days, it’s all too common for start-ups and business leaders to assume that investing in a sleek logo is the cherry on top of all branding efforts. Most notably, many now look towards setting up their online presence through the numerous amounts of cost-effective platforms available on the market, but the investment in their overall branding is minimal.

Simply put, to get a business’s presence out there with maximum force, powerful branding is needed to drive narration and personality. Your logo is just the first stepping stone.

Logo vs Branding: What exactly is branding?

Think of this aspect as the overall feel of your business. It’s the emotion behind the services and products you provide. It’s the voice behind the screen your users are staring at. Ultimately, it’s the personality—and nothing’s more attractive than a genuine, approachable one.

These days, business owners are too quick to assume that branding is made up of a logo and perhaps a witty tagline. But it is so much more than that. In a nutshell, it’s your elevator pitch, and if you haven’t thought about how you’ll strategically create that critical first impression, you’re already behind.

Logo vs Branding: So then, what is a logo?

A logo supports branding in the sense that it attaches symbolic meaning. It’s an image-based representation of a brand. Logos that are created with a strategy in mind will also incorporate any sub-branches of a business, and subtly weave it into a connotation that isn’t too complex to understand.

When created effectively, these nifty little symbols are powerful communication tools that can turn into iconic and meaningful signs. Take McDonald’s’ legendary gold arches, or apple’s…well, apple. They’re memorable, but not unnecessarily complex. They let you know what brand is occupying a given space—be it physical or digital—and amplify brand awareness on an explosive scale.

When a logo and branding come together

… Magic happens.

When we combine these two elements – one being tangible and the other being intangible – you find the foundations of your business. This is also where your brand strategy begins, as you now have a clear path for how to communicate your message, values and benefits. Once these two merge you are also able to easily identify your company as a trusted and recognisable entity. Without this key differentiation, your customers can easily head over to your competitors instead.

Simply put, when it comes to your logo vs. brand, both are essential, and one cannot exist without the other.

Think about the bigger picture

In the modern corporate, digitised world, anyone can have an online presence. While this is convenient, what it means is that there’s a huge pressure to be different—to have an edge that lets you cut through the abundance of noise. Ultimately, this comes down to branding. Think of it is as your story—the bigger picture to your business. 

Elements like an established voice, stylistic design, a coherent and consistent website all form your narrative; your logo is the front and back covers, while the rest of the branding is the pages in between. 

Here at WQ Creative, we strive to create memorable brands for our clients using tried and tested branding strategies and creative processes. The overall identity of the business not only look and feel good but be designed to cater to our client’s target audience (which surprisingly is missed by some brands).

Let us help you merge these two elements and truly unleash your untapped power, influence and creativity!